Prior to the pandemic, I made the personal mental health decision to go off social media. In the absence of Instagram and Facebook, I’ve found myself perusing Nextdoor rather absentmindedly. I can’t stomach the racial profiling, petty arguments or political rants. However, this community platform can be mined for humor and neighborly good feels. Take this pig and his pumpkin for instance. A woman put out a call out for donations of pumpkins as treats for rescued pigs. Hysterical. Hundreds of post Halloween gourds were donated to the little piggies as the subsequent photo post proved. Heartwarming. The found chinchilla. The truckload of pigeons outside of the Jack in the Box. You’ve got to read the comments. Sometimes I find myself crying of laughter and sending screen shots to my friend Olivia. I used to make fun of her for reading Nextdoor. Now, I’m a happy convert.